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Monday, May 6, 2019

Fwd: Confession time: I almost wasted $1,800 on something stupid

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Millennial Money Man <bobby@millennialmoneyman.com>
Date: Monday, May 6, 2019
Subject: Confession time: I almost wasted $1,800 on something stupid
To: joaoa.desilva2018@gmail.com

Alright. As a personal finance blogger, I'm a little embarrassed to admit what I'm about to tell you.

In the "normal" world, this would not be a big deal at all.

But here, in our bizarro (but strangely fun) money nerd land, this would have been a grave mistake.

I almost spent $1,800 on something I absolutely do not need, and it's not even something sexy or fun that would bring joy to my life:

A new boujee washer and dryer set.

Here's the rub: our current washer and dryer set completely works.

I mean yeah - they are the same ones that my wife and I had way back in college (we've been together for what seems like 40 years at this point and we're only 30).

And yeah... as far as laundry machines go, they're kinda loud. It annoys me from time to time because they are sorta close to my office.

But we didn't really need to buy new ones. I purely wanted to do it for the sake of just buying something nice, which is odd for me.

I drive a 2004 Yukon for a reason. I don't really care about brand new shiny stuff. It's just not in my personality.

So all of these questions were flooding into my head over the weekend about this as I was trying to analyze why I wanted something that I typically wouldn't.

Here's what I wondered:

- Why do I really want these? Do I just want to impress people with nice stuff? Would my friends even be impressed by my washer and dryer?

- Is there any point in replacing something expensive that works just fine?

- What the heck would I do with the old ones? Ain't nobody got time or strength to move them and install new ones. I'm a blogger, not a lumberjack.

I don't know. It was just really odd. To top it off... I had that feeling of dread in my chest - like I knew that I was going to regret the purchase even before I bought anything.

So anyway, after a lot of discussion, my wife and I decided not to buy them.

The biggest reason?

We did a quick calculation. If we invested the money in the market instead, that $1,800 could turn into over $13,000 thirty years from now (assuming 7% rate of return).

So was it worth spending over $13k for a washer and dryer that would most definitely be too complicated for my tiny brain to even operate?

Nah. Probably not.

Here's the moral of the story:

Sometimes, you're going to get the urge to buy some stuff that you absolutely don't need. And that's ok. Life isn't about living like a monk and never spending your money.

But... you have to decide if it's worth it, and why you even want to spend it in the first place.

In this case, I'd much rather save the money and do something that 60-year-old Bobby is going to really appreciate.

Speaking of saving money...

I have a guide to teach you exactly how to do more of that. It's got 15+ money saving ideas for you to use as inspiration this week.

Wait... you didn't think you were getting out of this email without a blog post, did you? Don't you know how this works by now?

I tell a good story. You read it and are entertained by my mistakes in life. I share a money article. You click and learn stuff. That's the process.

Go here to learn how to save dat money.

- Bobby

P.S. - I don't feel like actually working today. I'd rather talk to the people. Hit reply and share a completely wasteful purchase that you talked yourself out of. Or one that you didn't talk yourself out, purchased in spite of yourself, and have been dealing with the regret and shame for years. Either way. Sharing is caring.

P.P.S. (Don't forget to read the article)

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