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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

RE: My trading journey the last decade... PLUS a bonus!

Happy New Year's Eve!!!
As this year and decade wind down, it seems like the perfect time to share a few more details about my journey as a R/T-Forex Trader & Day Trader,  over the last decade!
Let me start by saying it hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows...
Like many traders on their journey to success, it wasn't a straight line up...
...but there is a silver lining to my experience! And I'll be sure to share that along the way because you may be able to learn from it! This pertains primarily to forex.com But can be extrapolated to Day Trading. 
2008: I witnessed the impact of the financial crisis with many losing their jobs and their savings --> the seed was planted that I wanted time and financial freedom from my corporate job...
2009: after exploring many options, stocks,  bonds & commodities, I started a small business and operated it part-time to generate supplemental income...
2010: I took the plunge and went full-time with my business so I could focus on growing,  expanding and scaling up...
2011: I caught the attention of a competitor, and I sold my business to them, which left me with a pile of cash. I was at a crossroads regarding what to do next. Learning to invest my own money had always been of interest to me, and there was no better time to give it a try! So I researched all types of investing: stocks, bonds, options, futures... and that's when I discovered Forex! For many reasons I was most interested in Forex (liquidity, volatility, leverage, open 24 hours/ 5 days per week,  follow the sun). So I committed myself to learning Forex! And the education and trading process began!
2012: I still traded "full-time", although it wasn't due to my results. (Haha!) Looking back now, I was making a lot of "beginner" mistakes and I was over-confident in my abilities... Beginners Luck... i.e. I was trading with too large of an account and not using proper risk management and I didn't have a written-down set of trading rules goals & objectives etc...
2013: I still traded "full-time", although I still only had net-losses to show for it in my trading account... With a strong sense of failure building coupled with a heightened lack of confidence, I was constantly looking for the "next best thing" and I kept "system-jumping". I was all over the place just looking for the "one thing" that would work! I was in that desperate phase...
2014: After several losing years, and losing tens of thousands of dollars, I finally admitted it wasn't working and decided I needed to take a break from trading... I had lost $6,000.00 made $300k out of 200k as an example from my trial account.  I went back to work... and while it felt good to earn a consistent paycheck and grow my "career" again, I still had that "desire to trade" in the pit of my stomach...
So I gambled again... 
2015: I received a promotion at securities work, was nominated for advanced leadership training, and on the surface things were going incredibly well for my career! BUT I was still exchanging time for money and working for someone else's 100 year old dream... I knew I was meant for more. I knew I was smart enough to figure out trading. So I started going through my old Forex trading materials again with fresh eyes and perspective... and most importantly, I had to look in the mirror and take responsibility for the areas I was at fault for losing in the prior years... talk about a humbling lesson! Ouch!
2016: I was still working, but I was actively trading part-time, too! I was gaining traction and experiencing success as I built out my own trading strategies. Ones that were super objectives and fit well with my lifestyle and risk trading personality. Even though I was trading on a small account, I was experiencing results! I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! And it wasn't a train wreck... 
2017: I was still working full-time and trading part-time, but really focusing on testing and refining my trading strategies. Towards the end of the year, one of my trading strategies was clearly out-performing the others (both with back-testing and actual results)! I focused on that one, top-performing trading strategy, and that was the difference maker!
2018: Month after month - positive results! The results were so consistent (with years of back-testing and over a year of actual trading that strategy), that I left my J-O-B,  for that Just One Brake! Back to full-time trading for me! (Which by the way only takes me less than an hour a day!) Success! Time and financial freedom! Drum roll pls? <Insert massive celebration and a lot of happy blood,  sweat & tears!>
2019: Trading continued to exceed my expectations, and again, I knew I was capable of more. I missed working with people. I realized that with my years of experience and learning lessons the hard way with trading, that I could help shorten the learning curve for fellow traders and help them generate consistent profits trading Forex. And so my coaching business "Consistent FX Profits" was born. While I will always be a trader, helping other traders has really tapped into my true passion inclination and purpose.
So that takes us to where I am today: I'm a successful, full-time Forex trader who also helps ambitious and determined men and women generate consistent results trading Forex.
It's pretty incredible looking back... that after all the failures and money lost I did not give up. #nevergiveup #BeTheException
And let me tell you, I'm so glad I didn't give up! 
...why didn't I give up? What kept me going?
My dreams were bigger,  than my fears. 
My "why" was greater than any excuse(s).
I ultimately had to take responsibility for my actions, look in the mirror to understand my errors, and learn from my mistakes. 
Once I did that and focused on ONE, it all fell into place!
My wish for you this year is that your learning curve is not nearly as long as mine!!!!
That's why I'm offering the LOWEST PRICES EVER for my online Forex trading program: CF4XP ONLINE!
This offer expires TONIGHT AT 11 pm CENTRAL TIME!
PLUS, I've got a BONUS for you! You know, a little icing on the cake....
...for everyone who signs up today, you will receive a private, one-on-one video coaching session with me!

My thanks in avance,  for your energy,  trouble,  time,  attention and consideratión.

To Your Abundant Success! 



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Valerie Fox <valerie@consistentfxprofits.com>
Date: Tue, Dec 31, 2019, 11:20 AM
Subject: My trading journey the last decade... PLUS a bonus!
To: Joao <joaoa.desilva2018@gmail.com>
Valerie Fox
Consistent FX Profits Founder
P.S. - if you no longer want to receive emails from me, I won't take it personally, simply unsubscribe from future emails using the "unsubscribe" button below... My intent is to provide you with value-added information and not to overwhelm your inbox with unwanted emails. ;)
2131 W Republic Rd #512
Springfield MO 65807

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