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Recap of Home Business Bootcamp and Affiliate Marketing Training with George Kosch for 13 March 2020.

Home Business Bootcamp and Affiliate Marketing Training with George Kosch for 13 March 2020.   additional information available  ...

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Fwd: Your Legacy....

She had spent years building up other people's organizations. So why not do it for her own?

Live, simply!  Laugh, often! Love, deeply! & Leave a Legacy!


Money was not her problem. She made plenty of that. Sales exec at a Fortune 500 company, 6-figure salary, cushy benefits which would make most drool… no, money wasn't it.

Christy's problem was that…

… she didn't want her dying legacy to be that she had helped Procter & Gamble to sell a truckload of skin care products - bumping up their market cap by a percentage of a percentage of a percentage point.

It was an honest way to pay the bills.

But not exactly something her grandkids would be proudly sharing with their kids, while sitting around the kitchen table… sharing stories about "what your great great grandma Christy did when she was alive."

Every time Christy clocked in at work, sat down in her swively chair, fired up her computer, and started going through her voicemail… little images would flash through her mind. Of another life. Another world…

… in which she was known not just as a star saleswoman - but as a mentor to many. As someone who motivated millions to get over their fears and go DO something with their lives. As someone who everyone wanted on their stage… because when she spoke, listeners laughed, and cried, and started living differently…

These were the dreams that flashed through Christy's mind as she sat at her desk, pounding away at her keyboard and returning phone calls. Day after day after day.

Until one day, she decided enough was enough.

She had spent so many years building up other people's organizations. And was quite successful at it, too. So why not put those skills to work on her own organization?

And so she started where most of us did… by punching a few words into Google, and hitting 'search.'

But the problem was… even after finding my website - going through my Boot Camp - and signing up for and reading my emails… Christy still felt like she was missing something.

She lacked a sense of confirmation.

All the information was swirling around in her head, to the point of her feeling overwhelmed… Then she opened up her inbox one day, and found an email from me.

And as she read the email, her heart started beating. It was an invitation to get on the phone with me… so that I could help her get more clarity on her purpose.

She clicked the link that led to my calendar.

Scheduled a call with me.

Waited for the day.

And finally, when the day came, and the hour came, and then the minute came… her phone started buzzing. She picked it up and said, "Hi, this is Christy Demetrakis."

During that call we fleshed out Christy's interests. Her expertise. Her deepest desires - and her biggest hangups. We talked through what she wanted to achieve - and what was realistic for her to achieve in the next 12 months. And we kept on talking until she had a plan for moving forward. That she could start implementing the moment she got off the phone.

By the time we ended, Christy was spinning with energy.

Thrilled that her dream was no longer just a hazy desire.

But was now a concrete goal she could write down on a piece of paper… along with a plan for how to get there.

Yet even more amazing?

Was what this woman DID with her plan!

In the following years she built up multiple coaching businesses - through which she began to coach people through their big setbacks in life. Helping them identify and dissolve deep fears that were holding them back. So they could reach out and grab the lives they really wanted.

And today?

I want to invite YOU to have one of those phone calls - that launched so much change in Christy's life. And helped her get clear on her purpose.

It'll take about 45 minutes.

And when you get on the phone, here's what will happen:

  1. My coach will ask about your experiences, interests, and expertise to see what's really possible for you - in terms of growing your impact, influence and income in the next 12 months

  2. They will ask about what you've tried so far and what you're doing now - to see what's working and what's not

  3. They will help you identify the #1 thing that's holding you back from having the finances, freedom and fulfillment that you want

  4. They will work with you to map out a 4-step action plan, to get you moving in the direction of your destiny

Ready to get on your path to purpose?

>>Schedule a Purpose Call now


Coach João (john

Live, simply!  Laugh, often! Love, deeply! & Leave a Legacy!

P.S. Seeing as Christy is one of my coaches now (in addition to running her own coaching business)... who knows, maybe SHE will be the one to pick up the phone! 

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From: Tamara Lowe <support@kingdombuilders.academy>
Date: Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: Your Legacy....
To: <joaoa.desilva2020@gmail.com>

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From: Tamara Lowe <support@kingdombuilders.academy>
Date: Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: Your Legacy....
To: <joaoa.desilva2020@gmail.com>



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From: Jon Silver <joaoa.desilva2020@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 9:20 AM
Subject: Fwd: Your Legacy....

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From: Tamara Lowe <support@kingdombuilders.academy>
Date: Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: Your Legacy....
To: <joaoa.desilva2020@gmail.com>Tam
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From: Tamara Lowe <support@kingdombuilders.academy>
Date: Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: Your Legacy....
To: <joaoa.desilva2020@gmail.com>

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From: Tamara Lowe <support@kingdombuilders.academy>
Date: Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: Your Legacy....
To: <joaoa.desilva2020@gmail.com>


Kingdom Builders Academy 335 E Linton Ste. 2059 Delray Beach, Florida 33483 United States

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From: Tamara Lowe <support@kingdombuilders.academy>
Date: Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: Your Legacy....
To: <joaoa.desilva2020@gmail.com>

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