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Recap of Home Business Bootcamp and Affiliate Marketing Training with George Kosch for 13 March 2020.

Home Business Bootcamp and Affiliate Marketing Training with George Kosch for 13 March 2020.   additional information available  ...

Monday, July 20, 2020

Fwd: Do you “bound out of bed” every morning?



I recently came across this quote... and thought you might appreciate it:

"Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at — something that's bigger than you are, and you can't hardly wait to get at it again today."


*That* is what we all want.

The kind of life, where you BOUND out of bed every morning, because you're so in love with what you do that you can't WAIT to get back at it.

I'm right, right?

But let me ask you a probing question…

Do you have that kind of life?

And if not…

What would you be willing to do, in order to get it?

Because that's exactly why I've been running this "jumpstart your dream life" offer (ending TOMORROW), for the past few days. Where you can get $7,499 worth of materials… designed to carry you into a "bound out of your bed" lifestyle… for just $297. So get the bundle now, before the deal ends tomorrow.

Here's what's included…

  • [Expert Celebrity Influencer Boot Camp] A 6-module course that teaches you how to become an "expert celebrity influencer" (a respected and highly paid speaker/author/coach) about whatever topic you choose (Normally $2,000)

  • [Attract Your Tribe] A 5-module course that teaches you how to quickly and cost-effectively build an online following… and then how to convert those subscribers into paid customers (Normally $2,000)

And 3 FREE bonuses:

  • [10 High Converting Email Templates] This is an email series that my personal copywriter wrote… which you can use to convert your leads into paying customers. All you need to do is "fill in the blanks"... start sending… and they will function as your own, personal, world-class salesperson… converting prospects into paid clients 24/7! ($500 value)

  • [My Lead Magnet Template] Simply fill in the blanks… and you'll have a highly effective lead magnet, which you can use to start building your email list quickly and cost-effectively ($500 value)

  • [My $10,000 Strategy Session Script] These are the exact words I've used to close well over $2,000,000 of coaching clients into my coaching programs ($2,499 value)

So if you're NOT currently bounding out of your bed every morning…

… you can be, as soon as you snatch up this energizing deal:

>> Get Boot Camp + Attract Your Tribe + Bonuses for ̶$̶7̶,̶4̶9̶9̶ $297 <<

What's that?

Are you still unsure about this offer?

Well if so, you're in good company!

Many of my past students were very hesitant before they signed up for these courses. But when they did take the plunge… here's what they said afterwards:

"It's amazing what can happen in 27 days!! I have not ever learned as much in as short time as I have during my time in Boot Camp. I have gained clarity and focus on the vision that God has given me over the last 10 years, and I am finally ready to produce."
-[Shemeka Threets]

"Amazing and profitable stuff! If you are willing to roll up your sleeves and work the principles Tamara outlines in this Boot Camp, you can have the life you dream of."
-[Deborah Anne Adams]

"Thanks to Tamara Lowe's Boot Camp my book hit #1 on Amazon... now FOX, CNN and the Washington Post want me as a regular guest contributor."
-[Brian Bosche]

"Tamara, I have been thanking God for you and your faithfulness to deliver a word in due season for God's people for abundance and prosperity. I have created a whole new website implementing all of your formulas, templates, headlines, and killer bullets, and added a store — I am ready to turn my website into an ATM."
-[Debora Patrick]

"Tamara Lowe's Boot Camp was like bread from heaven. It couldn't have come at a better time to rejuvenate my dreams. Since Boot Camp… I wrote an eBook, that I'm really proud of. I also received a speaking engagement as a result of publishing and promoting my book! It finally feels like I'm morphing into who God designed me to be, and Boot Camp was the catalyst."
–[Michelle Chudy]

"I am very impressed with the content. It has proven more valuable than many courses I have purchased for many years. Thank you for creating a plan with actionable steps.
" -[Deborah Bradshaw]

"I am currently on day 12 of Bootcamp and I cannot even begin to explain how God is using it to restore and inspire me. The short version of a long story is that after MANY years of feeling called to write a "book", I started writing a 31 day devotional-journal last night. The things I'm learning in Bootcamp have caused the calling of God to stir in me like never before. …my life has already drastically changed since I started Boot Camp. Thank you, Coach Tamara for your obedience and inspiration. Your words and prayer gave me hope again."
-[Dana Collins]

"Tamara Lowe's Boot Camp increased my income by 2000% — don't even think about it! Sign up quick."
-[Dr. Michael Francen]

And you could be next.

>> Get Boot Camp + Attract Your Tribe + Bonuses for ̶$̶7̶,̶4̶9̶9̶ $297 <<

But time grows short.

The clock is




This ridiculously good offer ends tomorrow.

Oh, and to "suck" every last drop of risk out of this offer…

If you take me up on it… and aren't immediately convinced that it was worth 10X what you paid for, after browsing the material …

… just let me know within a 10-days, and I will gladly refund every last penny that you paid, no questions asked.

So there you go.

No risk.

No reason to NOT sign up for this deal, before it expires.

I hope you're ready to start bounding out of your bed.

Because your life is about to get exciting.

>> Get Boot Camp + Attract Your Tribe + Bonuses for ̶$̶7̶,̶4̶9̶9̶ $297<<

Coach João  (Jon)

%Coach  Tam


Kingdom Builders Academy 335 E Linton Ste. 2059 Delray Beach, Florida 33483 United States

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