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Monday, October 14, 2019

RE: Where to Find More Freedom, a Slower Pace, and Lower Costs

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The Best Places to Find Your Freedom:
In Welcoming, Slow-Paced, Good-Weather,
Low-Cost Retirement Havens All Around the Globe
Monday, October 14, 2019
Dear Fund Your Life Daily Reader,
"I definitely don't want to sit in a rocking chair in retirement, but I could do with a saner pace—I just want the time to slow down a bit, breathe, enjoy life more. I don't see that happening anytime soon if I stay here."
I overheard a gentleman say that earlier, and I'm confident that he's not alone in feeling the way he does.
I'm Jennifer Stevens, Executive Editor of International Living, writing to you from our Retire Overseas Bootcamp about a block off the Strip in Las Vegas.
The place is buzzing—and not just from the slot machines...
I'm here along with 500 of your fellow readers and with more than 100 of our expat friends, overseas-based correspondents and contributors, and experts in everything from international real estate to finance to Social Security, Medicare, insurance, and more. 
We're all in town for three power-packed days with one core goal in mind: to explore the ways and places it's possible to retire sooner, spend less, and live better overseas.
We're off to a very good start.
Because if the communities around the world that our experts have talked about so far provide any benefit, this one is clear: They are places that allow you to step into a new world. They're escapes...safe havens...bolt-holes...retreats.
They are places where you can afford to do exactly what that gentleman I mentioned earlier said: slow down and enjoy life more.
Particularly in uncertain times, lots of people—perhaps you among them—find themselves looking for a sanctuary of sorts...a place to get away from it all...
And the good news is: Excellent options exist today. We heard about all kinds of communities that are worth your attention, like—
  • A spot in Costa Rica where you'll find well-established (but low-cost) expat communities along the Pacific coast—with all the conveniences of farmer's markets, boutiques, restaurants, grocery stores, bars, and souvenir shops...paired with great-value real estate. In one town, for instance, you can buy a two-bedroom, walk-to-everything condo for $165,000...and rent a one-bedroom, furnished condo for $750 (or even less) a month.
  • A "snowbird paradise" in Mexico that's actually two friendly waterside towns that boast a mild climate, well-established expat community, and low cost of living. $1,700 a month is plenty to fund a couple's retirement here. And these lively communities offer plenty to do beyond the pretty views—golf, tennis, theater, travel clubs, and more. Plus a modest $108,000 buys a really lovely three-bedroom home with a great landscaped yard with plenty of space to add a pool.
  • Belize's secret seaside retreat...the low-cost, "untourist" escape where you can gain all the perks or Caribbean living—palm-lined coast, turquoise waters, sun-soaked and balmy days—but for a fraction of what you'd expect. (You can rent a place right on the water there from $800 a month.) Plus...a hidden gem of a region full of fruit trees and blooming flowers where couples can live comfortably for $1,600 a month and you can buy a three-bedroom home with a lush landscaped yard tucked into the jungle from $100,000.
  • An unsung little town near the Pacific in Panama where you can rent for less than $500 a month and the cost of living is the lowest anywhere in the country.  Fifty-five cents for a beer, $4 for a bottle of wine, $65 for a week's worth of groceries.
But that was just the beginning...
  • Ronan McMahon of Real Estate Trend Alert laid out his four-step approach to finding profitable real estate overseas. His system is designed to help you save money and make money when buying abroad, and to give you the best possible chance to see a 100% gain in five years or less.
  • Steve Garfink, author of How to Retire in Luxury on Your Social Security, walked us through a really useful strategy for understanding your Social Security options, including how to decide when to claim, how to claim extra funds you may not know you're due, and how to create a retirement rubric for yourself that'll tell you just how early you could retire if you went to a low-cost haven abroad (even if only for a few years). THIS ONE WAS WORTH THE PRICE OF ADMISSION ALONE! 
A Six-Figure Life on $1,765 a Month
That brings me to a theme that came up in every one of the presentations so far today: affordability and good value.
Laid-back beach escapes. Quiet mountain getaways. Lakeside havens. University Towns. Even cosmopolitan cities.
In the right communities, you really can live a richer, more engaging life than you do today...but spend as little as $1,765 a month for a couple to do it (housing included)—in some places, even less.
In other words: Get the destination right, and you could live well on your Social Security income alone.
Of course, you could spend more if you like...and enjoy a genuinely luxurious lifestyle.
On a budget of $2,500 to $3,600 a month, a couple can live extremely well in many places, and afford the sort of comforts only the very wealthy can bankroll at home—perks like a housekeeper to cook and clean a couple times a week or a home with a pool and a gardener to maintain the grounds...
The point is, no matter what your budget, in the best-value destinations around the world, your dollars really stretch. And that means you have great options for improving your lifestyle while you trim your spending.
We Can Help You Map Out Your Path, Too
Here at our annual Retire Overseas Bootcamp, we're helping folks pinpoint exactly the spots that make the most sense for them (because everybody's interests, priorities, and budgets are different). Then we're walking them through the steps for getting there...
If you're reading this, you're not here with me in the room, I know—but I'd like to invite you to pull up a chair, anyway.
You see, we'd like to bring this conference directly to you in your home.
From the comfort of your easy chair—no travel required—through the magic of recorded video, you'll see and hear every single presentation taking place at this conference.
We're assembling all the presentations from every expert into what we call our Retire Overseas Bootcamp Package. It's the very best way for you to quickly and reliably catch up with those of us who are here.
And, in fact, you can make a persuasive argument that tuning in "from home" is even better. Because you can hit pause, rewind, study the numbers on a slide, look more carefully at the photos, re-watch an expert's presentation to make sure you got the full picture...
With this package, you'll see every presentation and hear every word. But it won't be "information overload." Everything you could possibly know about hundreds of places on the planet—that's more paralyzing than helpful, really.
What you need is guidance, answers, good judgment, and advice.
And that's what the experts are delivering here. The exact coordinates you need.
We're going to narrow down your choices for you, right up front and then help you home in on the ones best suited to your individual situation, given your priorities, your interests, your dreams, and your budget.
And then we're going to put it all these "best options" in context for you, help you compare and contrast the places you learn about, detail who would like a certain place...and why. And, equally important: Who wouldn't like it.
You May Not Be Here With Us in Vegas,
But You'll Feel Like You Are
In this package, along with the 55 video and audio recordings documenting each presentation, you'll also get the full welcome packet and complete dossier that those who attended the conference in person got: copies of handouts and every single PowerPoint and visual presentation, along with full speaker bios and a complete contact Rolodex so you can follow up with any speaker with any additional questions you may have.
(This resource rolodex alone is an invaluable resource.)
Plus you'll also get International Living's Retire Overseas Blueprint.
It's not available to the general public. We created it for event attendees, specifically. But we're including it, too, when you order your Retire Overseas Bootcamp Package.
This Blueprint is as much a workbook as it is a guide to the countries and opportunities we're exploring here in Las Vegas.
As a companion resource for this live conference, it includes not only important country-specific information, details, recommendations, and contacts that go along with each expert's presentation...
But it's also full of worksheets and questions for you to consider. The Blueprint is something you work through as you follow along with the presentations, and as you do, it will begin to point you down a specific path.
But your path will be your own. You have your own ideas, your own priorities, your own set of circumstances...and those drive the direction you head in.
Using the Blueprint, you'll literally begin to circle on the map the spots you should be focusing on.
Tomorrow our experts will be focused in on even more specific communities you should have on your radar screen—including lots of intelligence about your options in Europe and Southeast Asia—
  • Tuula Rampont will share secrets about France...like insider details about a university town in the south where medieval homes overlook the Mediterranean...which makes a very nice winter getaway...  
  • Chip Stites will tell his Italy story and point you to communities worth your attention in this nation which puts emphasis on good food, human interaction, and simple pleasures. Of course, the gorgeous landscapes, historic sights, and the slow pace of life have a lot to recommend them as well.
  • Wendy Justice, our Southeast Asia correspondent (living in Vietnam these days) will share her insights about that country—and beyond—and talk about why, if you're really looking to stretch your dollars, it's hard to beat the bang for your buck that you get in her neck of the woods.
  • Nancy Kiernan, IL's Colombia correspondent, will open eyes about what remains a largely misunderstood country and show everybody why, with its gorgeous spring-like weather, rock-bottom prices, and sophisticated culture, this nation is worth your attention.
  • And lots, lots more from Spain...Portugal... Ecuador...Thailand...and beyond...
And that's just the very beginning of the secrets our speakers will reveal. We'll have nearly two dozen experts take the stage tomorrow (several more than once).
What I've shared today is just the beginning of what we'll be delving into over the course of this event. We have an extraordinary lineup of experts who've flown in from around the world to be here—and they want to share their expertise with you.
So please do yourself a favor and reserve your copy of our Retire Overseas Bootcamp Package now—we're offering it a special, low price for three days only.
The intelligence, insider guidance, on-the-ground insights and real-world advice that our experts have to share will save you time, money, and trouble.
The attorneys' presentations alone can save you thousands of dollars. These experts have come in from countries all over the globe—and they're sharing the how-to's for visas and residence, buying property, starting businesses, and more. Every country is different—so it's really useful to have a connection who can give you the straight story and answer your questions. These guys typically charge by the hour—so just think about how much you might spend making an appointment with all of them. But here their insights come included as part of the Retire Overseas Bootcamp Package.
The full price to attend this exclusive conference in Las Vegas was $995—not including airfare, hotels, meals, and more. And being here in person is worth every penny.
But act now and you can secure yourself a copy of the video and audio recordings in the Retire Overseas Bootcamp Package for just $249 $149…a very small fraction of what attendees paid to join us here in Las Vegas. You save $100 today.
But that discount is good only until 11:59 pm Wednesday, October 16, 2019.
Get the full details here.
And there's more when you order right now.
Reserve a copy in your name, and we'll toss in something extra...
We'll send you a $100 voucher good toward any upcoming International Living Conference. Use it to attend, in person, next year's Retire Overseas Bootcamp conference (or any future conference you may be interested in). There is no expiration date on this voucher.
But, this is a limited-time offer only.
This special discounted price—just $249 $149 for full video and audio recordings, copies of all the Power Point slides and handouts, the contact Rolodex, and the Retire Overseas Blueprint—expires at 11:59 pm Wednesday, October 16, 2019.
Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed
We guarantee the information, advice, and recommendations in your Retire Overseas Bootcamp Package of video and audio recordings will help you make your retirement dreams come true…whatever they may be.
If you don't agree, for any reason, call us within 30 days of receiving the package and ask for your money back. We'll return every penny you paid.
You have nothing to lose for 30 days.
If you're not 100% satisfied, we'll give you back your $149. And your $100 conference voucher and the Retire Overseas Blueprint…are yours to keep.
If you're serious about tapping into the opportunities available to you in good-value destinations all over the world, you really must reserve your Retire Overseas Bootcamp Package now.

Executive Editor, International Living
Your Retire Overseas Bootcamp Conference Insider in Las Vegas, NV
P.S. We can't deliver the cocktails or the neighborly conversations folks are enjoying here in Las Vegas...but we can hand you everything else...
...every word uttered on stage...every insight, recommendation, tip, and useful piece of advice shared here. 
By my tally, it's nearly 20 hours of insights and insider information...current, up-to-date intelligence about what's going on overseas right now.
The best communities for expat living...plus visa options, healthcare options, property rights, retiree-benefit programs around the world...and much, much more.
And remember, you get $100 off the regular price of the  Retire Overseas Bootcamp Package if you ACT NOW. But this special conference discount is available only until 11:59 pm on Wednesday, October 16, 2019.
Don't miss out on all that this package has to give you.
Get more details here.


John (João) A. Silva
805 291 6470 Mobile (VM)
"The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours -- it is an amazing journey -- and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins." -- B Moawad, author


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Date: Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 2:15 PM
Subject: Where to Find More Freedom, a Slower Pace, and Lower Costs
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