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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Fwd: [Killer Content Strategy] Use this on Facebook to enroll new clients this week...

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Joshua Hayward & Jay Fiset <joshua@attractandenroll.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 15, 2018, 6:35 AM
Subject: [Killer Content Strategy] Use this on Facebook to enroll new clients this week...
To: <joaoa.desilva2016@gmail.com>

Joshua David Hayward here once again, Jay Fiset's business partner in Mastermind To Millions... If you're wondering why you're getting emails from me here is our announcement with all the details.
In this email you'll discover the "Content Strategy" and WHAT to post on Facebook in order to attract and enroll more clients.
In my last few emails we've talked about the Four Foundations , the Six Daily Tasks , and 10 Tips For Beating The Algorithm ...
Now let's talk about the TYPES of posts and WHAT to post in order to create more engagement, position yourself as an expert for what you do and to attract and enroll more clients into your business.
Facebook gives you quite a few options of the TYPES of posts you can make... you can post photos, videos, polls, answer questions, just text, etc...
Here are all your options: (image)
The most popular TYPES of posts that tend to yield  the greatest results are:

1: Facebook Live Video

2: Video

3: Images

4: Text


Pretty basic.


And all options above can include text as well.


Now let's talk about WHAT to post... or in other words, the CONTENT of your post.


When thinking about WHAT to post it's important to think about WHY you're posting... 


What is the result you're going for? Do you want more engagement? To do market research? To provide massive value? To make an offer? Etc...


To be broad let's focus on things that are always important to be doing ==> Increasing your engagement, providing massive value, positioning yourself as an expert, building relationships, and making powerful offers.


So here we go with 7 different things you can post as part of your content strategy.


1: Share A Personal Story.


Stories capture people's attention and from the beginning of humanity story is how information has been passed on from generation to generation. Our minds are wired for it so use story to capture attention, engage people's minds, create suspense & entertainment and to teach lessons that make a difference for your target audience. 


This can be a story about a big challenge you had and overcame, about a struggle you're currently facing, or about your accomplishment of a specific goal or dream.


People love stories and as you share more and more of them your audience will begin to build relationship with you (one of the four foundations). And when those stories teach lessons at the same time, that make an impact or lasting impression on your audience, people will like you even more.


2: Give A "Behind The Scenes" Into Your Lifestyle.


It's simple, people want to know you, who you are, what you stand for and what you can do for them. The more personable you are and the easier to connect with the more likely Facebook friends and followers will turn into clients. So share yourself.


Share photos of you and your kids or yourself doing something weird/crazy. Share videos of yourself doing an activity you love or working out at the gym. Basically be you and share yourself with the world. The serious you AND the goofy you. That's how people connect to you as a human being not just as a business.


3: Describe Your Personal Philosophy. 


Talk to people about HOW you think. I do this often when people ask me questions about their problems... instead of just telling them exactly what to do I first tell them HOW I THINK ABOUT IT... because when they understand the thinking behind the solution and begin to think that way they're more empowered to find solutions themselves in the future.


So share HOW you think about your specific topic. Share about HOW you think about the challenges in your industry or the processes for getting results and solutions to problems. 


Teach people HOW to think in order to create the results they're wanting.


You could also talk about how your personal philosophy has changed over time and how different ways of thinking and different beliefs have created different results for you.


4: Teach Specific Strategies & Tools.


Give people answers to specific questions they have, give them the step-by-step to overcome a specific challenge they are facing, and give them a roadmap to accomplishing the results they're after.


This is where you get to shine and show off your expertise and value teaching what you love. Wow your ideal clients with content and value that truly makes an impact for them in their lives and leaves a lasting impression. Doing this positions you in their mind as the expert for what you're teaching and when they're ready to get the results you offer they'll come to you first for your products & programs.


Popular ideas for content in this category are: Lists, How To's, Processes, and Guides that help your ideal client solve a problem, answer a top of mind question, or discover the path to the desired result.


5: Create Opportunities For "User-Generated Content."


One of the best ways to create valuable content for your audience is to let them dictate what the content is. The best way to do this is to do a Facebook LIVE video or a text post where you create the opportunity for your audience to "Ask You Anything." As people ask specific questions whether on video or via a text post you respond with content and training relevant to their question. 


Using this strategy also creates a lot of connection with your audience because you're showing up for them in real time and connecting with people answering their specific questions. The value to anyone who engages is massive because it's so personalized to them and when you show up powerfully and deliver great content this puts you leaps and bounds ahead of anyone else in their mind.


Here's an example... Look at all those comments! (image)



6. Share Social Proof.
People often talk about their own results in order to get clients. While this works and is relevant something even more powerful is talking about your CLIENT'S results. 


I encourage you to post stories about your past/current clients successes. When potential clients see that you're working with other people who are getting results your expertise and ability to support them holds heavier weight in their mind.


You can share text testimonials from your clients, stories about their journey to success, case studies, and even do video or Facebook Lives with them where they share the results they're getting and their experience working with you.


Social proof goes a long way and it's much better to have someone else "toot your horn" than to be tooting it yourself all the time.


7. Make An Offer.


If you want to enroll more clients and/or earn more money in your business it's important to make more offers and make it EASY for people to get what you have. 


The easier and more blatant you make your offers the more likely people will take advantage of them...


This type of content and post is essential to getting more clients and earning more cash in your business and the strategy around making these offers is important in order to get the results you're wanting. 


It's something I talk about quite a bit in my Facebook Freedom Formula online training as it's the one that can really move the needle for you in your business.


If you're enjoying this content, getting value, and want a deep dive so that you can master this strategy and start attracting and enrolling clients from Facebook like crazy, I encourage you to check out the Facebook Freedom Formula and get it this week while I have a special discount available...


Click here to get all the details and instant access




And there you have it... The 7 best kinds of content to post on your personal Facebook profile in order to position yourself as an authority for what you do, build relationships with your audience, contribute massive value, and attract and enroll new clients.


Do these things consistently along with the Four Foundations, Daily Tasks, 10 Tips, and everything I share in the Facebook Freedom Formula and you could be enrolling new clients in the next few days!


Seriously! :)


That's it for now...


If you're getting value from this or have any questions, hit reply and let me know. 


I'd love to connect.


Talk soon, 



%Joshua David Hayward

Attract & Enroll


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