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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Importance of Being in Focus: How Focused Are You?

The Importance of Focus: How Focused Are You?

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The Importance of Focus: How Focused Are You?

Being focused is one of the most important life skills that you absolutely must have in order to achieve your goals and dreams. It is the key factor in helping you live your fullest life.

People are intellectual creatures by nature and we’ve have done very well with our large brains and the ability to imagine feel, create, etc.

If you stopped to think about it, you’d realize that Neanderthal cavemen had to utilize focus on a daily basis too. Even the simple tasks required focus. Our ancestors who were hunter-gatherers had to focus while picking berries and gathering food. Absent-mindedness or a lack of focus might mean stepping in a patch of agitating plants such as poison ivy or a dozen other such plants.

It could be anything from a spiny plant to a venomous snake. Focus could be considered a life or death issue.

Thankfully, these days, our lives are much simpler because of technology and modernization. However, focus is still as important. Setting short-term or long-term goals is easy. Achieving them is quite another story. You’ll need to be focused and keep pursuing your goals without getting distracted by the myriad of other things that will try to get your attention and distract you from the task at hand.

Focus will prevent you from majoring in the minor things, and it will save you lots of time and energy that could be frittered away on frivolous pursuits that reap no rewards.

While you might feel that you weren’t born with laser-like focus, developing this ability is not beyond your reach. Focus is like anything else, and the more you practice, the better you’ll get. It’s akin to developing a mental muscle through repeated training.

In simple words, the more you focus on focusing, the better at it you will be. If you want a helpful reminder to maintain focus, simply use Post-It notes or sticky notes to serve as reminders. These will act as guideposts to keep you on track. The act of writing these notes will help you to focus your thoughts. You can be creative and place your sticky notes on cupboards, the bathroom mirror, the fridge, or even the back of your front door so you see them constantly and be reminded of your goals.

A sticky note on your refrigerator door telling you to watch what you eat will serve as a constant reminder. If you’re truly focused, your fridge will probably not have any foods that you shouldn’t be eating. There’s no point in tempting yourself. The great thing about focus is that it’s a discipline that anyone can pick up. No one is excluded from being able to try their hand at it, and all it takes to be more focused is a little gentle mindfulness.

Maybe you want to be a more present and caring parent… or arrive everywhere fifteen minutes earlier instead of constantly feeling like you are five minutes late. Perhaps you want to be more organized in your home, or in your life in general. Whatever you want to improve or achieve is always going to require focus. At the end of the day, anything is possible. Examining what you really want instead of drifting through life aimlessly can help you get to your destination instead of ending up lost.

It’s imperative that you stay focused, or you’ll find that life becomes a blur. Explore what helps you to keep your eye on the end goal. It could be journaling, yoga, meditation, classical music, mindfulness, etc. Find out what works for you and practice it daily.

John A Silva
eBiz & IT Consultant

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