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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Here's what Facebook says about running ads...

Hey, it's Jeremy... Want some "inside" info I heard directly from Facebook? Wanna know how it can help you get more traffic, leads, and sales? If so, read on... I have some connections to the higher ups at Facebook, and I wanted to share some info I received over the last few days... Info that can help you bring in more traffic, leads, and sales by running better Facebook campaigns. Without further ado: *Did you know you should let your Facebook ad run for 36-48 hours before deciding to turn it off or keep it on? Facebook's algorithm is built to determine if your ad is good for your target audience within that timeframe. That means if your ad starts out poorly, don't give up on it. That also means if your ad starts out great, don't get overly excited. Once your ad hits the 36-48 hour mark, the Facebook algorithm will decide if your ad is good or bad for your target audience. So don't make any decisions or changes to your ads before hitting that timeframe. *Did you know if you change your daily ad budget more than once every 48-72 hours, you risk messing up your campaign PERMANENTLY? Facebook's algorithm cannot manage budget changes more than once every 2-3 days. In fact, Facebook has even gone as far as recommending you NEVER change the daily budget on a campaign that is successful. If you do, the Facebook algorithm re-assesses your campaign, and those great results you're getting may disappear overnight. Do you ever have a campaign that's performing GREAT, so you raise the budget, and suddenly it becomes a dud? Now you might know why... There's a MUCH better way to scale your Facebook campaigns (I'll talk about it shortly...). *Did you know you risk getting your ads FROZEN if you duplicate a campaign too many times? You've probably heard that duplicating your winning campaigns is the best way to scale your Facebook ads. And it can be... But if you do it too many times, you may notice all your ads stop running. And it may take 2-3 days for your ads to come back on. This recently happened to a client and partner of mine. We were doing about $7,500/day in sales for this particular business. And BOOM....ads were frozen. Facebook solved the mess for us, but not before we lost about $15,000 in sales... Don't make the same mistake with YOUR campaigns. *And FINALLY, did you know letting Facebook bid FOR you is a recipe for failure? Let me explain... Many people have success just setting up their campaigns, setting their bid type to "Optimized CPM," and letting Facebook go to work. And it CAN work... But what if there was a better way? A way that YOU could take control of your bids, get cheap clicks and conversions, and scale? It's actually a strategy I recently used to 5x the daily revenue of a business I work with. Wanna know what it is? I'm gonna cover it next week LIVE inside the Social Sales Growth Forum. If you want to see how it's done, click the link below and get a free trial to the Social Sales Growth Forum. This will be shared EXCLUSIVELY with members of the group, so don't miss out. Click the link below to join: http://digitaltrafficace.com/ssgf-join See you inside, -Jeremy P.S. - Remember, next week I'm sharing a bidding strategy you can use to get 5x better results with your Facebook ads. It's for members of my Social Sales Growth Forum, and if you click the link below to join, YOU get access too. Get your FREE trial: http://digitaltrafficace.com/ssgf-join John Silva, Webmaster http://www.InstantComputerBiz.com

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