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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Fwd: Is financial freedom a big fat LIE?




For many people, the idea of "financial freedom" is having enough money that you don't have to work.


...Having enough money to pursue your passions.

... I'm talking freedom,  freedom +,  freedom,  premium... ( empir.us/elinx/? 5106 ) 


...And having enough money to do whatever you want, wherever you want, and whenever you want.


It sounds pretty good, right?


But does it really exist?


Back when I was running my one-man advertising agency, I met this 'webmaster' guy who told me to get a website.


A little surprised, I asked him.


"Okay, why do I need a website?"


"No no João , you don't get it, you need a website"


"But what am I going to do with a website? I'm busy enough as it is. And I don't need more clients."


"Well, you don't have to use it for clients. You could sell something on the website."


"Like what?"


"I don't know, put some stuff together. Sell a book or something."


"A book?"


"Yeah, a book"


So I agreed. And that's how I started selling my first book, Forbidden Psychological Tactics...


Now I wasn't expecting much. But to my surprise, My book started getting orders...


And in just the first 30 days of selling stuff online - I made a couple grand.


I was like "Oh my god. This is awesome."


So I made another product.


And then another one.


And the money just kept coming in...


You wouldn't believe me if I told you how much…


It was a ridiculous amount. $500M changes hands on inet everyday don't you want s piece of that l'd be happy with 1%... 


You can call it luck, good timing or whatever else you want. It was working.


It was working so well - I set the goal to retire by the age of 30. 34. 39.... I stopped counting at 39. Oh today we retire in stages,  you didn't get the memo...  we just find something else to do,  that's even more fun. 


And when I became a millionaire ( 4x over at least ) , I said to myself. "Okay. That's it. I'm done."


"Not going to work another day in my life." IG I can help it!? 


Now. This is where I'm supposed to say "The End" or "Happily Ever After" or something like that.


But what happened next might actually shock you...


After not working for just two months - and just doing whatever the hell I wanted  for 5 years - I was miserable and bored out of my mind.


I was struggling with negative thoughts and thinking to myself.


"Is this all that there it?"


It got to the point where I didn't know what to do with myself anymore…


Weird right? You'd expect me to be happy...


But I wasn't.


And that's when I realized...


The Biggest Fattest Lie You've Ever Been Told


Maybe like I had been, you've been chasing this idea of financial freedom for a while now…


Or maybe you've just been working so hard for so long now, that you're thinking:


"I can't wait to retire and never have to work again."


But from my experience doing just that, I've learnt that most people don't actually want to retire…


Retiring is BORING.


Most people just want to do the things retired people do.


They want to create something meaningful in the world...


And they want to do something other than work in an office cubicle all their life...


And that's why I was unhappy.


After I retired and I didn't have to worry about providing for my family - I didn't have anything meaningful to do anymore.


I lost the drive I initially had and 8 IQ points.


And the only way to get it back, was to create a new purpose.


So do you know what I decided I would do?


Well, I decided that I would still retire, but I would retire - INTO my businesses and companies.


I would work only with the people I wanted to work with. And I would create only the things I wanted to create.


Can you see how much more meaningful that is?


So if I had to make an assumption about what you want friend, I would say you want a life where you can do things that you're passionate about.


And to create something meaningful in the world.


That's why I don't encourage people to aim for this concept of financial freedom - I encourage people to aim for financial confidence.


Financial confidence is when you know that no matter what happens to business and to the economy in general, you can still maintain your ideal lifestyle...


...and you don't have to go back to a 9 - 5 or worry about how you're going to afford rent next month.


If you're ready to start building yourself rock-solid financial confidence, you'll want to know about this "hush-hush" training people have been requesting from me for 10 years.




P.S. This is the first time I've ever decided to reveal these secrets to the public. There are only 150 available seats at this workshop. So by the time you read this, it may already no longer be available.


Get your seat here.









---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dan Lok <dan@highticketsales.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 17, 2020, 12:19 PM
Subject: Is financial freedom a big fat LIE?

To: <joaoa.desilva2020@gmail.com> 

--D.  Luck 

Dan Lok 

This email was sent to: joaoa.desilva2020@gmail.com
by: dan@highticketsales.com

422 Richards St, Suite 170 Vancouver British Columbia V6B 2Z4

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