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Home Business Bootcamp and Affiliate Marketing Training with George Kosch for 13 March 2020.   additional information available  ...

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Fwd: [LOB] Finding a niche (part 2)




The statement below is very important so write it down somewhere were you can see it every day! …

The business that wins is the business that understands their customer better than anyone else.


That one statement will change the way you do business. And it's your starting point.

Something else to think about…


We are not in the commodities business. That's not what we sell as smart marketers.

We provide solutions to the problems and pains that people have.

We are solution providers.

We are pain relievers.

As marketers, we do not sell products in the traditional sense. That's not the best way to frame how we deliver value to our audience.

Understand this and you're half way there.


We refer to a "market" as something that is big, broad and general. No one targets an entire market unless of course you are lets say a giant like Walmart or Amazon.

Health and fitness or weight loss are markets. That's because they're big, broad and general.

Once you've identified a larger potential market — like weight loss — you then need to narrow down your audience even further.

Markets are made up of niches, and within these niches there are even smaller audiences (pockets of people) with very specific needs, wants and desires.

This is where you want to be looking! Where you want to be spending your time and energy researching their pain.

Back to the weight loss example to demonstrate what I mean:

The big market is "weight loss". Way too big and broad. We need to narrow that down.

What about weight loss for women?


But more specifically … busy women?

But not just busy women … busy mums? Mum's the word...

But not just busy mums … a busy mother who has just had a child (Enter post pregnancy weight loss).

Post pregnancy weight loss is a (narrow) niche.

Did you see how i got to that?

Seems easy now once you go through it don't you think?

I took the very general weight loss market and extracted a potential audience) with a VERY SPECIFIC need they have to solve.

Busy mothers … who have just had a child … and want to lose the post pregnancy weight.

The more specific and narrow you target, the better your ability will be to "talk to" and connect directly with that audience.

The BIG mistake that most marketers and companies make is to target an audience that is way too wide. Too broad. They try to please everyone.

The result of doing that is a message that resonates and connects with no one. You'll alienate your best customers. Not smart, babycakes.

Make sure you always remember these two golden rules…

  • It's ALWAYS BETTER to go more narrow than too wide.

Focus on issues that appeal to some, but not all This is where your own marketing should start.

Your ability to identify your audience and then create "filters" with your marketing (advanced strategy discussed another time). To get the attention of the highest quality prospects.

99.99% of (wannabe) marketers screw this next part up. Big time.

They try and please everyone.

They target too wide an audience.


Go narrow. The narrower the better within the big 3 markets ( Health and fitness, Wealth and Dating/Relationships).

Identify a narrow category of people (audience) that have a very specific need. Polarize your message. Speak directly to that ONE GROUP of people…

… and IGNORE EVERYONE ELSE! I know I keep saying this. But it's really that important.

Instead of starting with a product in mind — like everyone does — start by identifying an audience that has a specific problem (bears more repeating).

An audience that is after a specific solution or desired outcome.

Start there. Then work backwards.

Find a need that many people are having (do this first), then create or find a product to solve it (do this last).

This is how you add real tangible value to a market.

Hope you got that? Reach out to me if you want to go through it a bit more.

As an aside, here is an article by Seth Godin that'll give you another layer of insight about how we NEED to treat our POP…

Please give it a read when you get time, it helps further explain and put it into context what i am teaching.

Read Seth's Article here

'Till tomorrow!


João  (Aladdin)

(PS.: Here are a few good reads from Amazon, if you don't already have Audible then you can get 30 days free, free book(s) enough time for you to finish the audiobooks)! Best Reads:


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From: Alvin from Little Online Business <hello@littleonlinebusiness.gistmail5.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 2:39 AM
Subject: [LOB] Finding a niche (part 2)
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Alvin from Little Online Business

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