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Friday, February 14, 2020

Fwd: Is 2020 too late to start a blog?

"This next year, is not just another year.It's the absolute richest ever imagined, with the most 
possibilities ever offered, for the coolest people ever known to do the greatest things 
they've ever done." ~ Mike Dooley  


Can new bloggers learn how to blog + biz?

I've been hearing this question a lot lately, and honestly, it makes me laugh a little. Nearly every single person who starts a blog + biz, is brand new. I know how they feel, I was completely new and had no idea what I was doing, when I started.

Blogging is a learning process, a learning curve. If it was easy, then everyone would be doing it.

It requires hard work, long hours, lots of life long learning, and more.

If you're feeling defeated, and overwhelmed, please just remember that pretty much every single blogger + biz type has felt this way at some point. The beginning is the toughest and you just have to push past it.

And, this then leads me to the second most common question that I have been hearing lately.

Is it too late to start a blog + biz?

2020 is a great time to start a blog + biz.

Whether you want a blog like Making Sense of Cents, or if you are interested in starting an Instagram account or Youtube channel, having a website is a great idea.

Trust me, people were saying the same thing when I first started Making Sense of Cents – that people who started in 2011 were starting too late and that no one would ever be successful with it.

However, that's definitely not the case.

The online world is still so new, and there are new ways to monetize and to grow that come up all the time. And get this only 1/3 of the world is connected, now facebook and google are busy connecting the other 2/3. So now is a great time to start. You'll be in the 1%, one percentile.

I'm still finding brand new blogs that I absolutely love - new blogs + biz that are growing and earning an income.

There is a lot of room for new bloggers, plus biz types and there is plenty of room for growth well into the future. I believe that companies and advertisers are only recently starting to realize the value of blogs and socialmedia accounts, which means that the blogging world will continue to grow well into the future and that opportunities for making money from a blog + biz will continue to increase and grow exponentially, if not geometrically.

More and more companies are starting to advertise with online influencers on their blogs, socialmedia accounts, and more, and I expect this to just continue to grow well into the future. Whereas in the past, it was mainly celebrities that companies advertised with, but now, it is actually shifting to beginning bloggers + biz types and other online influencers (such as Youtubers, Pinterests and Instagrammers!).

The world is a huge place and the online world is just going to keep growing. Every blogger earns a living online in a slightly different way, and everyone has a different message and story. Plus, there are so many different ways to make money through a blog, and I expect this to keep growing. So win a life and a place in the digital world.

Of course, blogging + biz is constantly evolving, and there are always new things to learn, which will probably always be the case for managing any business, but especially true for this paradigm.

Please hit reply to this email and let me know if you have any questions about blogging.

  <michelle@makingsenseofcents.com> and/or   <joão@makingsenseofcents.com>  

Don't forget - I have a free tutorial that will show you exactly step -by- step how to start your blog, plus biz and you get a free domain name through that link too. You can find that here - How To Start A WordPress Blog. Through my tutorial, you can start a blog for less than $60.

Also, remember to sign up for the free blog training I told you about recently. With the No-Fail Blogging + Biz Plan free training, you will learn the secrets that the most successful bloggers are using to grow their online business. Blogging can be difficult. But just about every thing that's worth it, is. It'll get easier as time goes by and you spend more and more time with it. Maybe you even wish there was someone out there who could just show you, step-by-step, exactly what you need to do to create a successful blog? That's where this amazing free blog + biz training comes in.

You can sign up through my referral link to get the free training HERE. Here's what you will learn:

  1. The number one question you'll need to answer for your business....and how doing so will virtually guarantee your success.
  2. The secret blueprint for a fail proof blog and the three essential steps you'll need to take to implement it in your business.
  3. The three tools you'll need to add to your toolbox in order to ensure your success moving forward, as well as learn exactly how to implement the plan and create new habits that will set you up for long-term success.

Enjoy your day! AND Your week!


João & JoAn Silva  

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Michelle Schroeder-Gardner <michelle@makingsenseofcents.com>
Date: Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 12:04 PM
Subject: Is 2020 too late to start a blog?
To: João <joaoa.desilva2020@gmail.com>

Michelle from Making Sense of Cents

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