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Recap of Home Business Bootcamp and Affiliate Marketing Training with George Kosch for 13 March 2020.

Home Business Bootcamp and Affiliate Marketing Training with George Kosch for 13 March 2020.   additional information available  ...

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Fwd: Has this ever happened to you?


Today I'd like to take you alllll the way back to the beginning of M$$M.
Long before I had a team of people working on the website.
Before the first CNBC feature.
Before the first Forbes article.
Before I made my first $1k in the business.
I want to take you back to the night after I left my teaching job to run the site.
Earlier that day... I had just made one of the biggest (and at the time could have been the dumbest - wasn't sure yet) decision of my life. I made it because it was reversible, I had a fallback position, just in-case.
I walked in, told my boss I'd like to talk, and sat down as he closed the door behind me.
Everything I was about to say had been brewing for a long time, and things were finally at a tipping point for me.
When I woke up before my alarm every day at 5:45 am... I wasn't happy.
I was just slogging through every single day at my job, constantly wondering what my life would be like if I could really go after my passions.
So... I did.
I hadn't had any success at the time, and there wasn't any reason to think I would be successful.
But... you only live once. We all get one shot, you know?
I could have fallen flat on my face. This whole thing could have been an absolute disaster. But I had to at least try. I'd regret it forever, if I didn't.
So I told him I was going to submit my resignation to run the site full-time.
And I mean yeah - he was shocked. He didn't see it coming, and I don't blame him.
From there we hashed out the technicalities - who I needed to talk to in administration, paperwork I needed to fill out, unemployment insurance, severance pay, if any etc.
After that, we both walked out to our cars at the same time (very very awkward experience), and I left the school, never to return.
I felt free for the first time in a long time. This massive weight was off my shoulders. It was amazing!
And then later that evening I went to bed.
...that's when it happened.
I woke up completely drenched in sweat. 'Nite sweats'...
My heart - and I'll never forget how this felt - was beating uncontrollably.
"Am I having a heart attack?"
"I don't want to die this young."
"What is happening?"
I got up and went into the bathroom and just... stood there staring at the mirror until my heart stopped beating so fast. I coughed a few times to reset, restart... in short to avoid a 'heart attack.'
Something you do to survive when you're alone ( they don't tell you in CPR Class ).
I had no idea what was going on, I was scared, and I just felt this sense of doom that I hadn't ever really experienced before.
Long story sh!++ erh ahh I mean, short - I realized the next morning that I had a full-blown anxiety or 'panic' attack in layman's terms.
It was the first one I've ever had in my life, and I don't think I've had one like that ever since.
I had always heard people talk about 'panic' attacks... but never really thought it was something that would happen to me.
But to be honest... I was scared. Doing something new or different is always scary, but I guess I had taken it to an extreme with quitting my job to run my own business.
I'm sure by this point you're wondering: "Where the heck is he going with this? WTF!? Why is he talking about 'panic' attacks and doing scary things?"
The real reason is pretty simple:
I now know - KNOW - that you're reading this right now and have something big you want to do in your life.
Maybe you want to change careers. Maybe you want to start a business or a side hustle. Maybe you just want to start a budget for the first time in your life and feel overwhelmed, especially if your broke.
But there's a good chance that you're holding yourself back because of fear.
And that's fair, you know? Fear sucks. Being scared sucks. I've been there.
It's way more comfortable to just go with the status quo. Don't rock the boat. Do what you've always done.
I've gotta say though... that panic attack I had taught me something pretty amazing.
Wanna know what it was?
I survived. I took one of the dumbest risks possible in my career, and I'm still alive.
I definitely could have planned better. I could have made things so much easier if I had just waited a little bit longer to take the leap.
But at the end of the day, you don't really have time to wait if you think about it. We only get so much time.
Now I'm not saying that you need to go out and do something crazy tomorrow like quitting your job... ( you don't do that unless and until you have something solid, as a 'fallback' position, something that replaces your income. )
But what I AM saying is if you have something you want to do in life - you need to go do it.
You need to stop waiting. At some point you have to get off the freaking fence and make the things needed, happen.
You'll be scared, and yeah it will be really uncomfortable - but you'll survive, and you'll probably like your life a whole lot more on the other side. The grass is always greener on the other side, we use a different fertilizer...
I'd apologize about this email being too long and if it causes you to unsubscribe, I'm sorry.
... but someone needed to read this today. I hope it helps. Go do whatever it is you want to do. You need ( and required ) to.
Stop waiting. It's ok to be scared. You just might grow a little bit...
- Johnny

Here are some other ways I can help you:
- Want to join over 1,000 M$$M readers and make an extra $1,000 - $2,000 + / month on the side from home? Learn more about the FB Side Hustle Course here.
- Want to start a profitable blog + biz? You'll get exclusive pricing and a free domain name when you start through M$$M. Go Here to Start Your Blog Today.
- Need an affordable binder to store all of your important information in the event of an emergency? (VERY popular with M$$M readers!) Go Here and Grab the Emergency Budget Binder

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From: Millennial Money Man <bobby@millennialmoneyman.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 1:17 PM
Subject: Has this ever happened to you?
To: <joaoa.desilva2020@gmail.com>
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This email may contain affiliate links. All opinions are 100,000% my own.

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