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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Fwd: [90DW #7] The TRUTH about “Overwhelm”

Ever think, "I have to get it all done. By myself. And it needs to be done yesterday"?


In the last two emails we talked about how limiting beliefs are really just habitual patterns of thinking.

We also talked about the first of the Four Horsemen of Limitation –– Indecision –– and how it creates a crippling waste of time.

And today in our 90 Day Win series, we're going to break down the Second Horseman of Limitation which personally plagued me for YEARS . . . . OVERWHELM.

And don't forget if you're REALLY serious about transforming your mindset and making 2020 the year that you level up your business, your mindset, and your life, there's still time to join us in March at The Powerful Living Experience Live.

------> See all the details, discounts and cool promo videos by clicking here.

Up until a few years ago, I spent most of my day in overwhelm.

The stress and the anxiety was paralyzing. Not only did it prevent me from making smart decisions in my business…

...it created a miserable experience of my business (and my life).

And the only way I was able to eliminate the experience of overwhelm was to see the unintelligent pattern of thinking silently hiding behind it.

That's what I want to share with you today.

Behind this thing we call overwhelm is a cluster of unconscious beliefs that say:

"I have to get it all done. I have to do it all by myself.
And if I don't get it all done, all by myself, in an impossible timeframe….
Then I will fail, it will fail, and I will be a failure."

This is the precise thinking that creates the experience of overwhelm for ALL Of US. We unconsciously believe some version of this when we feel overwhelmed.

With me so far?


So if we look closely at all the many, many, MANY times we believed we absolutely needed something done and there wasn't enough time and that we were doomed to fail…

Something magical actually happened!

Most of the time we barely notice it. The feeling of Overwhelm is so dominating it is all we remember.

So let's look again. What happened?


  • We really didn't really need to get it done on that timeline...
  • Some other resources showed up to help us get it done on time...
  • Some new information entered our awareness, and we realised that we didn't need to do the thing at all (that's both the funniest and most frustrating one for me).

In reality, I'll bet you can count on one hand how many times you truly "failed" because you had too much to do or didn't have enough time!

Life has a funny way of supporting us to make whatever we can get done a success.

Because Life is always working for you
(even when you think it's not).

Earlier this year, for example, I spoke on way fewer stages than I thought I would. My time just got filled up with other commitments.

And I began slipping into… OVERWHELM!

I depend on speaking to get my message out... How would I get enough people to The Powerful Living Experience? What if the ballroom is empty on March 13th? What if… I failed???!?!?!

It was right around here, in the middle of this negative thought loop that I got a call from Tom Bilyeu's producer…

If you don't know Tom he's a super successful billionaire entrepreneur who runs the most popular personal development podcast AND Youtube show called Impact Theory.

And THEY wanted to interview ME.

(Did I mention THE #1 Personal Development podcast and show on Youtube? )


After that ONE interview, I sold over 25% of the seats for The Powerful Living Experience.


So often we think that our plan is the ONLY plan. And the moment we deviate from our special plan, total failure and ruin are coming for us, riding right behind the Horseman of Overwhelm.

The TRUTH is, there's a larger plan taking place. All the time.

Your plan is not THE plan.

Life is constantly working for your greatest growth, your greatest prosperity, your greatest evolution and to support you in your goals.

It's when we willfully ignore this fact that creates this illusion that "it's all on me," that we're all alone, or that we're in a race against time.

We create Overwhelm. We are the architects of our own stress and anxiety.

It comes from inside of us, from our own thinking, from our own minds.

And the irony is this blinds us to the opportunities life brings. When we're in Overwhelm we can't see that life is supporting us with an even more effective strategy!

This is all part of a deeper distinction that I teach at The Powerful Living Experience called the "Corresponding Nature of Life."

And when you really internalize it and work with it…

...synchronicities and coincidences and so-called "miracles" that support your goals start showing up EVERYWHERE.

Your business becomes an opportunity to live through your joy and to live through your creativity and to live through your Spiritual Vision.

The key here is to TRUST.

Trust that as long as we are doing what we can do, life will co-respond with us to produce extraordinary outcomes.

It's not "all up to us" and we're not all alone. Life is working with us and for us.

Overwhelm is an illusion.

Live Powerfully,

  ~ João  A. Silva

P.S. You probably already know, but living this requires a bit more than an intellectual understanding. You need deeper emotional integration, and you're just not going to get with an email.

This is why I've been encouraging you to immerse yourself for three days at the Powerful Living Experience.

You still have a few more days to join me and 1000+ impact-driven entrepreneurs doing deep work on our Mindsets, our Businesses, and our LIVES…

...All for a massive 70% discount off general admission pricing.

Click here to claim your full potential and get your ticket today!

P.P.S. If your Mindset is already invincible, you can unsubscribe from this 90 Day Win Masterclass series here.

(you will still be on my list, you just won't get any more of these trainings)


  ---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: David Bayer <davidb@davidbayer.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 10:26 AM
Subject: [90DW #7] The TRUTH about "Overwhelm"
To: <joaoa.desilva2018@gmail.com>  

~ %%David Bayer

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: David Bayer <davidb@davidbayer.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 10:26 AM
Subject: [90DW #7] The TRUTH about "Overwhelm"
To: <joaoa.desilva2018@gmail.com>


DB 150 E Robinson St Suite 2001 Orlando, Florida 32801 United States (407) 512-9997

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