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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Exclusive Reserve coffee from remote the Island of Fogo, Cape Verde (Cabo Verde) Islands, Africa

Starbucks Reserve® Cape Verde (CV) Fogo Island is a coffee that’s as extraordinary as the place where it’s grown
. For 300 years, coffee has survived on the island of Fogo, part of the isolated Cape Verde archipelago off Africa’s western coast.

Coffee in CV Cape Verde has a rich 300 year old history of growing coffee. However, the coffee industry was on its way out. With perfect conditions for growing specialty coffee, there is potential. Acting on our instincts, we set up project proposals and through that have been able to work with the growers to bring it back to life, and its former glory, once again.
It’s extremely rewarding to see the impact this project has on the people living in Fogo, for example. Going from an industry which was slowly dying or just growing coffee that was being grown for personal use or the use of the family and surrounding community only, to seeing the growers take pride in their product again as it goes international.

Implementing techniques
Part of getting the coffee industry in Fogo and else where on the islands, back on its feet, was to offer modern tools to be able to compete. This includes knowledge, financing, certification and equipment. For example, eco-pulpers for the growers, was introduced resulting in the first ever produced washed coffee from Cape Verde. Other products provided were African drying beds, wet mills and a dry mill. Not only that but an investment was mage in the growers, through training and by paying more for the reserve coffee they produce than anyone else. Some of the growers managed to negotiate with major coffee concerns, like Starbucks to buy the red cherry instead of the dried cherry. This was especially, challenging as it includes a weight conversion. Challenges included, this project reflects the vision of doing everything we can to make a difference and come out the other end with great coffee, for the masses.

Special reserve program
All of these techniques were provided and have resulted in high quality green specialty reserve coffee, which the local growers are proud of. And they should be, their coffee has made it into the Starbucks Special Reserve Program 3 years running, for example and for this program they only accept the best and most prestigious coffee. For us its satisfying to see the potential realized, and then recognized, by the world community as Cape Verdeans.

Remote and Rare
The Pico do Fogo volcano, the highest point in Cape Verde, dominates the landscape. Fogo's rich, volcanic soil and high altitudes create an ideal environment for producing full-bodied, sweet coffee. Starbucks Reserve® Cape Verde Fogo Island is no exception. With sparkling acidity and mild florals, it’s an exquisite cup of coffee.

“It [looks] like just an extraordinary place. And then to think that they’re growing coffee there. I just think that’s the most fascinating thing about it. Coffee comes from such far-flung places,” said Anthony Carroll, senior manager of coffee quality.
Through the Starbucks Reserve brand, we’re committed to sourcing coffee from these far-flung places to bring you unique, small-lot coffees.

Industry Revitalized
Although Fogo has a long history with coffee, the industry was neglected for many years. But in 2011, one of our suppliers, Trabocca, visited the island for the first time and saw great potential. With the help of a grant from the Dutch government, they’ve been working to rebuild the industry and establish a strong coffee supply chain. From planting new coffee trees and educating farmers to helping build facilities to process the coffee, Carroll says it’s a serious investment of time.

"There’s a lot of really interesting places that grow coffee already. But then to have the willingness and the adventurous spirit to do something like that, I think that’s really cool." - Anthony Carroll
senior manager, coffee quality - StarBucks
For a second time, we’re proud to share this Starbucks Reserve® coffee from Cape Verde and to continue investing in the reinvigorated coffee community.
“They’ve produced something really, really special,” Carroll said.
Carroll says Cape Verde Fogo Island embodies the mission of Starbucks Reserve — offering rare, exclusive coffees with interesting and unique flavors.


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