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Saturday, February 15, 2020

Fwd: How I Got a TEDx Talk (a strange story)...

a very eye-opening read!
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Today's Email: The Man Who Got Me a TEDx Talk Used To Live Out of His Car - Now, He Coaches Millionaires, You Have To Read His 4-Page Letter...


REVEALED! This 4-Page Letter Reveals Something Called The Wealth Matrix - It's How This Coach Has Impacted 9,700 Students: Read It Now…



In 2016, I wanted to give a TEDx Talk

I was very passionate but I was equally lost. HOW would I book a talk and what would I talk about? How would I structure the talk? 

Where do I even start?

So, I decided I needed help from someone who's done it before.


I did the best thing I know how to do. I reached out to my information goldmine - my personal Facebook wall and friends.

I asked my virtual friends if someone knows THE expert on the topic. And one name started popping out like crazy - Jeremy Bellotti.

So I reached out and we started chatting. 

I told him what I wanted to talk about. I told him I'd do anything. I told him I wanted to book something FAST.

He listened to me for a few minutes and then said "okay got it" and hung up the phone. I honestly didn't have any expectations. I had no idea who he was and I wasn't confident he'd get me any results…


Just a few days after our call, I got this text from him: 

"Anik, I got you a TEDx Talk - it's good to go. The only catch is - it's in Wiltz, Luxemburg."

"WOW, he actually did it? And THAT fast? Wiltz? What the heck is a Wiltz? Nevermind. Who cares. I'd go to the end of the WORLD to do this talk." 

So, just like that - this man, Jeremy Bellotti - delivered for me.

So, just like that - here, I was, about to become a TEDx speaker.

I couldn't help but wonder, "Who is this guy? How did he do it so fast?"

The day was upon us and my wife and I packed our bags and took a flight to Luxemburg. Once we got there, in this small town - what happened next, well - I couldn't believe my eyes.

Right there, in the hotel, in a SMALL town of Wiltz, Luxemburg - There stood in front of me, Mr. Jeremy Bellotti himself!

I figured he must have some business there, or that he came to do his own talk? 

But, no. 

As it turns out, Jeremy bought the plane ticket, booked a hotel, and made time just so he could be my SUPPORT while I'm giving the talk.

I was speechless. 

I immediately knew that this guy is something special.

After my talk, we talked about Lurn, my mission, my goal to help 10 million entrepreneurs, etc. And he was very interested in what we do. I thought he was just being polite.

However, a few days later I get a phone call.

It's Jeremy.

He told me that he couldn't stop thinking about what I shared about Lurn, our goals, mission, etc. And that he wanted to help in some way and be a part of our movement.

Why not?

Struggling To Create Entrepreneurial Success?

What Are The Daily Habits & Rituals of The World's Most Successful Billionaires?

Read this 4-Page Letter about The Wealth Matrix - 3 Elements That Jeremy Teaches Lurn Students to Unlock Their Big Breakthroughs!

Go Here Now - Read The Letter Now!

Next Thing I Know...

Jeremy Is Taking Lurn Students & Turning Them Into Millionaires...

Within just days of Jeremy joining Lurn, I noticed that he had a GIFT for coaching Lurn Students into huge breakthroughs. It was crazy. Like some special secret POWER…

It seemed like everything he just talked to a Lurn student, they ended up going off and having major results and breakthroughs in just a matter of days, if not hours!

From that moment I knew where I want Jeremy in Lurn.

We sat down. We talked about our plans. And I created a role in the company just for him - Lead Transformational Coach. Because that's what's he's doing - he transforms people into something bigger than even what they thought is possible.  

But it wasn't long ago when Jeremy was FAR from a walking success & wisdom he is now.

In 2009, Jeremy Was Dead-Broke & Living Out of His Car...

So how did he escape that reality? What did he do to stand up, break the shackles of failure, and climb to the top where he is now?

That's what's he's sharing with you in his 4-page letter here.

He'll share with you a unique way of thinking and doing, that he learned from studying the most successful people on the planet.

Something that he calls - the Wealth Matrix.

I must say, in my 16+ years in business, I've NEVER seen anything like it. And I strongly suggest you go and read his letter.

It's only 4 pages long.

Click here to get access and read it >>

My thanks in advance for your attention, consideration, energy time and trouble.

To Your Abundant Success!

Talk soon!

 Joãozinho  (Johnny)

João Silva  

The Fighting Entrepreneur

       The Asian Dragon Warrior!

P.S. When life pushes you, stand straight, smile, and push it the heck back!



  ---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Anik Singal <support@lurn.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 10:19 PM
Subject: How I Got a TEDx Talk (a strange story)...
To: joão <joaoa.dsilva2021@gmail.com>  

Anik Singal

CEO - Lurn, Inc.

The Fighting Entrepreneur

P.S. When life pushes you, stand straight, smile, and push it the heck back!


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