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Fwd: The "Secret Retirement Loophole" No One in Washington is Tweeting About

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From: International Living <webeditor@internationalliving.com>
Date: Monday, April 24, 2017
Subject: The "Secret Retirement Loophole" No One in Washington is Tweeting About
To: JOAOA.DESILVA2016@gmail.com

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The "Secret Retirement Loophole" That No One in Washington Is Tweeting About…


Inside the hallways of Washington, you won't hear about a "retirement loophole" that slashes your healthcare costs… reduces your taxes… and shows you how to make your dream retirement a reality.

Read on to find out how you can enjoy a worry-free retirement, no matter what happens in Washington…

April 24, 2017

Dear International Living Reader,

If you're a bit nervous about what's going to happen to your retirement under President Trump, you're not alone.

Millions of baby boomers are anxiously awaiting the new policies and programs that will emerge under this administration, wondering…

What's going to happen with my Medicare benefits?

Will my Social Security benefits be safe?

Already, President Trump has shown that he has no problem signing executive orders that have the potential to impact every part of society.

But so far, no action has been taken on retirement benefits—including Medicare and Social Security.

As you may recall, during the campaign, President Trump promised, "I'm not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and I'm not going to cut Medicare…

Well things may not be as clear-cut now.

With the New York Times reporting, "…all indications are that the incoming administration is getting ready to kill Medicare, replacing it with vouchers that can be applied to the purchase of private insurance."

In other words, you could be paying a lot more for your healthcare in retirement.

However, a solution is at hand…

I call it the "secret retirement loophole"—because it could slash your healthcare costs by one-half or more, while providing you with even better quality medical care.

This "loophole" can cover dental work, optometry, even cosmetic surgery. Prescription drugs, certain medical exams, sick visits and hospitalization can be covered at 70% cost, and surgeon and anesthesiologist costs could be covered at full cost.

Exams that usually cost hundreds of dollars can cost you 30% to 70% less here. A mammogram can cost $100 or more, but with this "secret retirement loophole" you can get one for $17.

And then there's the convenience. If you want a mammogram or virtually any other procedure or exam, you don't need to get a referral first.

"My husband had to be hospitalized earlier this year with a bad case of bronchitis," says retiree Lisa Collins. "Alan had a clean, comfortable, semi-private room, for which we were billed $90 per day. An EKG cost $35 and the doctor's fee for three days was $350. The nursing staff and all the personnel were great."

The bottom line is this "secret retirement loophole" can offer high quality, cheap and friendly medical care for substantially less than what you're paying today.

And what about Social Security benefits under the new Trump administration?

Who knows what's going to happen… but the new administration has called for large tax cuts—which could create enormous deficits.

Deficits that, according to the New York Times, "put long-term financial pressure on the Social Security program."

Which could result in a dramatic cut in Social Security benefits.

But listen, even if you're facing retirement with minimal fixed income, you can effectively double your monthly purchasing power by following this little-known "secret retirement loophole" I discovered.

Because with this "secret retirement loophole," you can get discounts on everything—from bus tickets to museum entrance fees to medical devices… and everything in between.

"I love my senior discount card," says insider Mark Kashen. "With it, I get discounts on almost everything: healthcare, public transportation, groceries, restaurants, hotels, and even some airlines."

Giving you extra money to eat out more often with friends, take a beach vacation with your family, or help pay for your kid's college education.

With this "secret retirement loophole," you'll be able to take advantage of life's little luxuries because of lower costs on your healthcare, insurance, transportation, entertainment, and more.

Fortune magazine reports that the "retirement loophole" can be "a way to double your retirement dollar."

U.S.News reports this "loophole" could "dramatically reduce your cost of living."

And the Associated Press, says this "loophole" can "help make even a modest retirement income stretch further."

So to sum it all up, with the new administration you could see…

Social Security cuts + Medicare cuts = A potentially sizeable decrease in your quality of life during retirement!

But there's a better alternative…

The "secret retirement loophole" that protects your retirement benefits no matter what happens in Washington…

Of course, no one can say with 100% certainty what's going to happen under the new administration…

Which is why you need to know about this "secret retirement loophole" more than ever.

That's why I am eager to write to you today…

Because I just wrapped up a timely new report, The Secret Retirement Loophole: How You Can Retire in Luxury on a Shoestring Budget, which spells out in full detail how this "loophole" works to bring you a fuller, richer life.

It's yours FREE, and in just a few minutes I'll tell you how to secure your copy.

But first, let's look at the incredible benefits that are available under this "secret retirement loophole"…

Enjoy the Retirement You Always Dreamed Of… But Didn't Think Existed Anymore

There is a better way for you to retire… a "secret retirement loophole" nobody in Washington is tweeting about…

But you will be, once you read about the long list of retirement perks your family will enjoy upon taking advantage of this amazing "loophole," like…

You can get a 50% discount on electricity and water bills for property you own, as well as discounts on property taxes.

VIP discounts on such things as airfares, movies, health consultations, and more…

"The entertainment discounts are great under this plan," says retiree Nanette Witmer. "I get 50% off tickets to movies, theaters and all sporting events like baseball games and soccer…"

Sadly, when discussing retirement, the message these days is too often that you should work longer… expect less in retirement… or never retire at all.

But believe me; it doesn't have to be that way…

Because the "secret retirement loophole" I'm going to share with you today allows you to slash your healthcare expenses, reduce your taxes, take advantage of VIP lifestyle perks, and improve your quality of life.

In other words, it's a "loophole" that hands you the kind of retirement you've always wanted to have…

And today I'm excited to blow wide open the details on this "secret retirement loophole"—that up until now, was only accessible to a few well-connected insiders…

I know it sounds too good to be true.

A "retirement loophole" that allows you to live in the lap of luxury on a retiree's budget.

But this "loophole" exists today…

Now to be clear, this isn't a traditional plan like Social Security…

But for those lucky few that take advantage of this "secret retirement loophole," the rewards can be enormous.

In fact, just the healthcare savings alone could save you thousands.

For example, a 60-year-old man would usually pay on average $1,200 a month for his healthcare coverage.

That's a house payment in many parts of the country!

But using the "secret retirement loophole," he could pay as little as $70 a month for comparable health insurance.

And a woman, age 60, could pay nearly the same.

A massive savings for excellent health insurance that covers 80% of doctor's visits, 60% of medication costs and 100% of hospitalization.

"I love the healthcare," says Patricia Ballard. "For $14, I get a house call from my personal physician. When my cough lingered, I called her and she came right to our home. Dental exams are free and teeth cleaning with ultrasonic is $7.50. All facilities are sparkling clean."

Point is, using this "secret retirement loophole," you benefit from huge savings across the board, for doctor's visits, hospital stays, surgeries, medical devices, lab tests, medicine, and more.

Listen… We've All Seen the Frightening Statistics…

Like the GOBankingRates.com report that shows one in three Americans have nothing saved for retirement and 56% of Americans have less than $10,000 saved for retirement.

And the Retirement Confidence Survey that found only 21% of workers are very confident about having enough money for a comfortable retirement.

And the new Bankrate.com report that found 70% of non-retired Americans plan to work as long as possible during retirement, with 62% saying they have to work because they need the money.

So we know there's a lot of fear out there among retirees and those nearing retirement.

But the "secret retirement loophole" offers you a much sought-after solution…

A chance to reclaim your retirement, so you can live worry-free, no matter how much savings — or how little — you have.

So instead of worrying about getting older and not being able to afford a comfortable, independent lifestyle…

Now you can relax, afford what you want, and live with the confidence that your nest egg will go the distance.

The bottom line is—this cost reducing "secret retirement loophole" can offer you a better quality of life—for less—so that you can enjoy a happier, healthier, less stressful life.

Just look at Steven Jensen and his wife Lisa…

They worked hard all their lives, he worked in government jobs, she owned a business.

But they were ready to relax and spend time sailing and surfing.

Only they couldn't see how they could ever do that on what savings they had.

Yet with the "secret retirement loophole" I'm sharing with you today, they effectively doubled their disposable income…

And today, they've got a place right on the Pacific Ocean and Lisa's out on the beach almost every day.

They don't concern themselves with what's going on in Washington…

Because they've taken advantage of the "secret retirement loophole" that insulates them from rising healthcare costs, reduces their taxes, and allows them to enjoy their dream retirement on a modest budget.

Terry and Rick Mosley discovered this loophole too — and it fundamentally changed their retirement lifestyle.

Here's a couple that did everything the right way, saving all their lives for retirement.

Every month, they put a little bit away.

And in time, they were fortunate enough to become part of the 18% of workers who have saved over $250,000 for retirement.

So they felt confident that their portfolio—now worth more than $1 million—would be more than sufficient for retirement.

But they were wrong…

When the bottom fell out of the economy, most of what they'd spent 20 years saving… evaporated.

They were left with less than a third of their nest egg. Then — to make matters worse — they both lost their jobs.

Here they'd done everything right.

Yet on the cusp of retirement, they faced the prospect of finding work in a bad economy… and punching a time clock for another 10 to 20 years.

But then they learned about the "secret retirement loophole" and decided to take advantage of it.

Now they're living a retirement even better than the one they'd planned and saved for…

"We feel safe, content now," says Terry. "Rick and I are still in our fifties. And even though a couple of years ago we didn't think we'd ever be able to live our retirement dreams, we're now doing exactly that."

Terry adds, "All we wanted was to be able to survive and be happy. I don't require much, but now I have all I could have ever hoped for."

The good news is, using this "secret retirement loophole," a couple can live comfortably on just $1,500 to $2,500 a month, less than the $2,682 per month payment an average couple gets from Social Security.

With a larger budget than that, you're looking at a rich-man's lifestyle.

"For the first time in my life, I feel free. My life is in my hands. It's a great feeling to wake up with, each and every day and it's a feeling I wouldn't trade for anything," says expat J.C.

"… at a time when nest eggs are shrinking and Social Security looks less likely to cover basic expenses, living for less in a foreign locale can make good financial sense. There's also the prospect of adventure in a faraway land, the allure of the unknown, and the joy of serendipitous discoveries."


Where else can you take advantage of a "secret retirement loophole" where the premier cable TV package, which includes favorites like HBO, CNN, BBC, and numerous sports and movie channels will set you back only $40. You can enjoy a filling meal for $5… and get a pedicure for $13…

Plus, you'll enjoy a high-quality lifestyle that's accessible on a shoestring budget, and as a retiree, you're treated like a VIP… you'll get a red-carpet welcome and be rewarded for your age and experience.

And all you have to do to take advantage of the benefits in this "secret retirement loophole" is open yourself up to the possibility of living overseas.

Retire in Luxurious Comfort Overseas…
On a Shoestring Budget

You see, nowadays, retirees in America are getting little love with ever increasing living costs and uncertainty about what new policies and programs the new White House administration is going to implement.

But there is a solution… one that protects your retirement benefits no matter what happens in Washington…

A "secret retirement loophole"…which includes a selection of warm-weather, excellent-value countries overseas that are actually wooing retirees with their retirement incentives.

Most people know little about this "loophole"… In fact, it's so little understood that even those in top government posts are unfamiliar with it.

But today I'm going to give you the full details on this unique retirement option which allows you to live overseas on a shoestring budget without giving up your First World comforts.

A "secret retirement loophole" that gives you the opportunity to live a better quality of life for less, escape the 9-to-5 drudgery of a day job, spend more time with your family, save on your U.S. taxes, pay less in healthcare, and explore a new world.

Just look at Ron and Nicole Kochan…

They had been living in the Ventura-Santa Barbara area of California. Life was good there, but it was also hectic, stress-filled, and expensive.

Now they've moved overseas and their costs are about 40% of what they paid to live in the U.S.

And they haven't sacrificed a thing. In fact, they're living better than ever.

Their home, near a crystal-blue brook, overlooks the 9th hole of a lovely golf course. Their windows open to lush, green-valley vistas. The nearby community center houses a state-of-the-art spa and health club.

They've got high-speed internet, satellite television, gourmet food… all the comforts of home, but at a fraction of the price.

"It's a lot like the U.S. was back in the 1950s, when I was a kid," Ron says.

And they're enjoying top-quality healthcare, inexpensive properties, modern highways, reliable phone service, access to high-speed internet, low crime rates, and lower taxes.

And all the countries I'll share with you in my new report, The Secret Retirement Loophole: How You Can Retire in Luxury on a Shoestring Budget, have modern infrastructure and a built-in community of English-speaking locals and expats.

Not to mention the best retirement programs you'll find anywhere in the world.

Let's take a look at a few of them now…

Less Than 3 Hours from the U.S. Lies a Hidden Paradise with the World's Best Retiree Benefits…

The first country I'm going to share with you has something for everyone…

A modern, sophisticated city, spectacular tropical beaches, excellent weather, welcoming locals, and a laid-back lifestyle.

Along with…

First World infrastructure
High quality healthcare
Excellent private schools
Widespread use of English in the city
Friendly English-speaking expat communities
Low cost of living
No income taxes on foreign-earned income

Here the High-speed internet and cell coverage are excellent… as are the power, air, and water quality.

In addition, you'll see the sun here nearly every day of the year.

And you're not far from home… it's less than a 3 hour flight from Florida!

Plus, this country's official currency is the U.S. dollar. So no messy exchange rates to worry about.

And there's so much to do here you'll never get bored…

From hiking through exotic tropical rainforests, to climbing around beautiful mountain refuges, to lying on secluded tropical beaches, to enjoying first-rate entertainment and shopping in a clean, safe city.

As new expat Mary Adelsberger has discovered, "There are a lot of things to do. I joined a yoga class and I am even volunteering at a school. It's easy to meet everyone and make friends here."

But what really stands out is this country offers the best incentive program in the world for foreign retirees.

With amazing government-mandated retiree benefits, including…

50% off entertainment—such as theaters, concerts, and sporting events
30% off bus, boat, and train fares
25% off airline tickets
50% off hotel stays from Monday through Thursday
25% off at restaurants
15% off hospital bills (if no insurance applies)
10% off prescription medicines
20% off medical consultations
25% discount on power bills
25% off fixed cost telephone service
25% off water charges

Plus, living costs are low here and you and your spouse can live a rich, full life for a mere $2,500 a month or less.

That's well under the $2,682 per month payment I mentioned above that an average couple gets from Social Security.

Your dollar goes so much further here….

Movie tickets here are $6 or less… and retiree residents pay half that. Air conditioned buses cost as little as $4 for two-hour trips. Taxis still charge $3 to $5 to go all the way across town. A good bottle of wine is as little as $6 at the supermarket… and popular national brands of beer are about $0.50 each.

"Our monthly expenses are far less than they were back in the States," says resident Lisa Gaines. "Our electric bill is less than $50 a month, water is just $5, trash pickup another $5, and high-speed internet around $50. And we can enjoy a meal out for around $10 for the both of us."

The couple estimates their total budget runs around $2,000 per month.

And what about healthcare? Is the health insurance here reasonable? And do the doctors compare favorable to those in the U.S., Canada and Europe?

The answer to these questions is a resounding yes!

Most of the doctors are U.S.-trained and public or private healthcare is available at a substantially reduced rate when compared to the U.S.

Long-term expat resident and Middle School Principal Rosa Morales notes, "Lots of people speak English and there's good healthcare. It's the same dollar economy. You can find American products with very little difficulty if that's important to you. And in the capital you've got a metropolitan city. It's a nice place to live."

Back home, you may spend hundreds of dollars a month on everything from health insurance… to doctor and dental consults… to medication. But most expats in this hidden paradise find these things are significantly cheaper.

Real life examples include visits to small clinics for $11…$6… and even as little as $2. And dental visits for under $30!

Expat couple Arnold and Joyce Simmonds rave about the quality and affordability of the healthcare. Both have been to a local dentist and were impressed with the offices, equipment, and thorough manner.

"She's the best dentist I ever had," says Joyce. "My husband went in for a broken tooth and paid just $15."

"I thought I heard wrong," says Arnold. "She spent an hour and a half on me; it was like a minor surgery. And there was no pain. They are not stingy with the Novocain down here!"

And the best news, here you won't have to worry about how the new U.S. administration's policies and procedures will affect your retirement benefits…

Because you'll be living in a welcoming country that has been voted seven years in a row as the best place to live for retirement benefits…

Where not only will you get a long list of substantial discounts on a wide variety of services and products, but you'll be exempt from duties on the importation of household goods, up to $10,000…

In addition, you'll get an exemption every two years from duties for the importation or, better yet, local purchase of a car.

Now you may be wondering if it's difficult to relocate to this hidden paradise…

Well, turns out it's really easy…

You only need to proof a verifiable pension-like income of $1,000 a month (no real estate requirement) and a clean police record to get your residence here. Or a couple can apply together and combine pensions to meet the minimum requirement.

Or if you purchase a home here valued at $100,000 or more, that amount is reduced to just $750 per month.

And by meeting these minimum requirements, you will be entitled to residence plus a long list of the world's best retiree benefits, including various discounts on transportation, medical services, utilities, food, and entertainment.

Another bonus… there are ample real estate bargains here.

How about a new three-bedroom, two-bathroom home in the midst of the country's "bread basket" agricultural region for $65,000?

Or a sea-view condo a short stroll from the beach for $176,428?

Or a charming two bedroom, two bath home in a quaint mountain village for $140,000?

Or if you want the excitement of city life, you can score a two bedroom, one bathroom condo, with laundry room, as well as a night doorman for $78,000.

And in this country, you can buy and own property once you're a resident and have the same rights and protections as a native resident, which is not always the case in other countries.

Another huge bonus… most new construction here is exempt from property taxes for up to 20 years.

The bottom line is that here you could live a fuller, richer life here on your Social Security payout than you could at home…

Expat Mary Martin sums it up well, "If we were still living in the U.S. under our circumstances, we would not be as healthy, as happy, as content as we are here. This is our home now and we love the way things turned out for us. It's a very good life."

True, you might just scrape by at home with the basic necessities of life during your retirement, but here on your modest budget you could be pampered with a beach front property, frequent dinners out, exotic vacations, and even a housekeeper to tidy up while you're out exploring.

And in this hidden paradise, there is something for everyone—from lush green valleys in the highlands, to white-sand beaches, to a cosmopolitan city on the waterfront…

As expat resident Inez McCoil has discovered, "You can have the most elegant lifestyle here if you want," she says…"without spending big bucks."

As Kiplinger's Personal Finance puts it: "For retirees with a sense of adventure and a taste for the good life—even if they lack a bank account to match—a change in latitude might be the perfect plan."

And with all the turmoil and uncertainties that come with a new administration in the White House, now could be the perfect time for you to start your new life in this paradise for retirees…

Which AARP says is a "smart choice for retirees who want it all."

And Bloomberg calls "the New Florida."

And in my newest report, The Secret Retirement Loophole: How You Can Retire in Luxury on a Shoestring Budget, I'll give you the full details on how to make your retirement in this hidden paradise a reality.

Where you'll enjoy more money—and time—to spend as you like…

Where you'll have cheaper healthcare costs and the best retirement benefits in the world…

And where you'll no longer have to worry about outliving your retirement nest egg.

But before you decide if this is the perfect retirement spot for you and your family, let me tell you about two more retirement meccas out there that are eager to welcome retirees with generous benefits…

An Adventure of a Lifetime in South America… The Land of Eternal Spring…

The next country I'm going to share with you is located in one of the most beautiful settings in the world, and always ranks near the top of the best places to retire abroad.

And no wonder, here a couple can enjoy a luxurious life for less than $21,000 a year.

That breaks down to less than $1,750 a month.

Which is well below the average Social Security payout for a retiree couple of $2,682 per month.

Extra money that you could use to travel, dine out more frequently, enjoy more shows, hire a maid, or take up new hobbies.

Randy and Terry Moore—are living the good life in not one, but two glorious locations in this South American country.

They own homes in a quaint mountain town and smack on the beach in one of the country's prettiest little beach towns. For both these homes, they paid less than $114,000—total.

They say they've found not only the solution to their financial problems, but the retirement lifestyle they've always dreamed of. They're enjoying life and they no longer have to worry about making ends meet.

That's because their cost of living averages about $900 per month! The fact is, it costs about 50% to 70% less to live to live here when compared to a similar standard of living in North America.

In this spectacular country, you can enjoy…

miles of secluded, unspoiled beaches
a variety of historical cities
scenic mountain retreats
low cost transportation
cheap health insurance
top-notch medical care
a low cost of living

And to top it all off—a glorious climate.

Here you can live in any climate you desire simply by moving up or down in altitude, thanks to the country's mountainous terrain and its position directly on the equator.

And whatever location you choose… from the sea coast to the upland rainforests… the weather will virtually remain constant all year-round.

You want 70 degrees during the day, head to the mountains.

You want 80 degrees and tropical almost every day, head to the beach.

You want 60s and 70s and a higher humidity, go to the rainforest.

And to get this great weather, you won't have to move somewhere with mediocre healthcare or insane living costs.

In fact, the healthcare in this country's major cities is equal in quality to anything available, anywhere, and at amazingly low prices.

In fact, an internet comparison of healthcare costs from around the world found that this country's costs are even lower than countries such as China, Malaysia, India, Mexico, and Panama.

Healthcare costs here are typically 10% to 25% of what you would pay in the U.S. (we've actually seen numerous cases where costs for major surgery are even less than 10% of comparable procedures in the U.S.).

Not only is the healthcare in this country extremely affordable, it's also first rate. A visit to a general practitioner costs $25 to $35 while a visit to a specialist typically costs $30 to $40.

Generic medicines are also widely available and much cheaper than the U.S, as are brand name medicines.

And the retiree benefits are excellent here…

With over-65s getting discounts on flights originating in the country, as well as up to 50% off entry to movies and sporting events.

Plus, discounts are also available on property taxes, public transport (50%) and utilities, medical consultations and more.

Retired minister and resident Kevin Davis says with the public transport discount, "We've taken several trips within the country where the fare on very safe and comfortable buses was less than $1 per hour of travel time. And we've saved hundreds of dollars on flights to the U.S."

In addition, this country has a value-added tax, or IVA, that is added to the price of most purchased items.

But retirees here can have much of that tax refunded each month by submitting receipts.

Refunds are automatically deposited in the local bank account of those claiming refunds.

And a benefit I find really appealing is that here, as in many other Latin American countries, retirees get to go to the front of the line in government offices, banks, grocery stores and other public places.

Can you imagine trying that in the States?

It's just one of the many benefits that this beautiful country is using to lure retirees by promising an easier and more affordable life outside the States.

In fact, this country is so inexpensive, that it's possible to spend a month here for about the same amount of money as a one-month utility bill back in the United States.

And you can find incredible real estate bargains here…

Own a two bedroom, three-bath condo just steps from the beach for $65,000

Or a three-bedroom, two-bathroom oceanfront condo for just $180,000
Or if you prefer city living, you can purchase a three-bedroom, one-bathroom condo with spectacular views for $50,000.

Mark Saber, a former surfer from Huntington Beach, California and a die-hard beach lover bought a home smack dab on the beach in this beautiful South American country for just $50,000

It's no beach shack, either. It's a well-built, two-story home with three bedrooms and two-and-a-half bathrooms. The upper floor has a covered balcony facing the sea… this is where he's hung his hammock. Downstairs, a long covered terrace is the perfect place to watch sunsets and strum a little guitar in the evenings.

And becoming a resident here is quite simple.

You submit your immigrant-status visa application at this country's consulate nearest to your former residence…

And in less than two months, assuming you meet the eligibility requirements of having a pension from a stable source of at least $800 a month, you'll be a new resident of this amazing country.

You'll love this land of opportunity where you'll still have access to all your Western conveniences for a fraction of the cost.

Expat Leslie Crooksums it up nicely, "We love the fact that our retirement income goes so much further here. Our quality of life is so much better than it was in the States, when we were both working too hard."

But as tempting as the two retirement spots mentioned above are, there is one more country that you should put on your short list of choices for overseas retirement.

Enjoy a Pampered Lifestyle Overseas for Less Than Half What it Would Cost You in the States…

Proximity to the U.S. is a huge plus when considering a move to this geographically diverse country… with plenty of nonstop flights between this retirement haven and the U.S.

Here you can be sitting at the beach surrounded by mountains and palm trees with a tropical drink in your hand in the morning…

And be home with family and friends in the States celebrating Thanksgiving or Christmas by afternoon.

And in many cases it would take you less time to take flights to and from this country than fly coast-to-coast in the U.S.

So you'll still be close to home, but living a more relaxed pace of life with a much lower cost of living…

From real estate to food to transportation to entertainment to healthcare… life simply costs much less in this welcoming nation.

In fact, the cost of living is so low that you can live a comfortable life here for as little as $1,200 a month, well below the average Social Security monthly payout.

Chicago native Scott Ellis 67, has lived in this beautiful country for four years. "I live well here on Social Security. My expenses are $1,200 a month, including rent. I have a two-bedroom house with a terraced garden," says Scott.

"We spend significantly less than back home, about 50% less," adds Toronto native Devin Simon. "And here we eat a meal out at least once a day, often twice."

Plus, because goods and services cost less… you can afford the kinds of luxuries only the very wealthy in the States enjoy.

Like hiring a maid for about $3 an hour and a gardener for $3.50 an hour.

Giving you more time to engage in hobbies and activities that you enjoy… like relaxing on the beach, playing golf and going to the movies with friends.

Jim Foose, who lives here with his partner Katie Oman, says, "We go to the movies, and the quality of the theater is just like the U.S. But it costs us $3. With popcorn and coke, it comes to $11 or $12. Going to the movies in the States cost us $50."

And you won't be giving up any modern conveniences when you move here… you can still get internet, cable TV, and all the other comforts you're used to…

The cost of living is low, low, low compared to the States… and has gotten even lower with the strengthening of the dollar in recent years…

Expat Paula Cole, 74, notes, "We pay one-third the cost of the U.S. for everyday expenses. For (just under $1) you can find a large tub of strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries for snacking, year-round. Farm fresh. For $10 you can easily purchase veggies for a week. Tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, and the ever-present limes."

In fact, the strong dollar now buys about 50% more here, which means you can get great values on real estate (to buy or rent) for even less than you could a few years ago…

Whether you want to retire in a condo on the beachfront, in a villa on a golf course, in a cabin on a lake, or in a modern house in the mountains…

It's all here… and at a substantial cost savings compared to equivalent real estate buys in the States, including…

A stunning lake-view home with two bedrooms and 2,000 feet of living space for only $182,000.

A two-bedroom, two-bathroom condo near a beautiful, unspoiled beach for $127,000.

A three-bedroom, three-bathroom house in a small colonial town in the mountains for $119,000.

And just look at your utility savings here…

For a small home, your electricity bill will likely cost between $25 and $50 a month (unless you use air-conditioning a lot), gas about $25 a month, cable TV about $40 a month, and basic telephone service about $20.

Property taxes are lower here also.

For a small home, you can expect your annual property taxes to come to no more than $200.

And buying here is not only affordable, it's easy. There are no restrictions on foreigners buying.

More good news…

The strong dollar also goes further when it comes to healthcare.

You can get healthcare that's even better quality than what you're used to at home and for one-half to one-third the price to boot, so many expats just pay out of pocket.

And the quality of the healthcare is top-notch… with many of the doctors and dentists here receiving training in the U.S. and/or Europe.

"There are excellent hospitals. We are blessed, because at our age healthcare does become a concern. But I would tell people that here you don't have to worry. At this point, I would say it's much better healthcare than I ever received in the U.S.," says Katie Oman.

And as for prescription drugs, those manufactured here cost, on average, about 50% less than the same drugs in the U.S.

Visits to the dentist are an attractive draw for travelers to this friendly country too, since quality dental work costs a fraction what it does in the U.S. or Canada.

For example, here a visit to a dentist for teeth cleaning only costs around $16 to $26.

And a doctor's visit will set you back a mere $18 to $26.

Plus, thanks to the enormous size of the country, you can choose whatever climate and lifestyle you want.

Prefer white-sand beaches with warm, sunny weather? Well there's thousands of miles of coastline for you to choose from.

Prefer mo

John (João) A. Silva

805 291 6470 Mobile (VM)

"The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours -- it is an amazing journey -- and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins." -- B Moawad, author


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